Levant is a disease that can be where it is, but there are a number of factors that contribute to the emergence and the development of onychomycosis.
Sex: it has been shown that the fungus of the genus Candida women is found in up to three times more often than men. Men are more vulnerable to infection in other fungal species.
Age: most nail fungus sufferers people over the age of thirty years. The children, the disease clings a lot less. The doctors say that it has to do with the rapid growth of the nail plate in children, and strengthened immunity.
The state of your body: endocrine diseases, varicose veins, heart failure, diseases of the blood, dysbacterioses – whether in the body of disease risk of infection by the fungus increases. Another risk factor for a long period of treatment with antibiotics.
Lesions of the nails: even minor injury to the nail, for example, when a pedicure, it could cause an infection onychomycosis.
Lack of hygiene: for example, you can walk into the sauna with bare feet on the wet ground of the shower in a public place, uses a strange with a towel or shoes strange shoes. Foot fungus is a disease that is spread from contact – just of accidental contact with the purpose of getting the infection.
Profession: varieties of the vulnerability of people who are forced for a long time of walking in narrow closed-toe shoes (for example, athletes, military personnel, miners). In the area of risk of people whose work involves prolonged contact with the water, as well as the aggressiveness of the cleaning media, as it will soften the nail plate. The fungus is called "disease of civilization": they are more likely to suffer people who live in large cities.
Individual characteristics of the body: in the area of risk of people who suffer from increased sweating of the feet. The victim of onychomycosis – the people with the special anatomical shape of the foot, with intervals between the fingers.

The defeat of the fungus are most vulnerable to the nail plate on the fingers of the stop, and not in the fingers of the hands. The common clinical manifestations:
Nail plate changed the color and the shape;
The nail is deformed, crushed, worn out, collapses;
The horny layer of the skin under the nail grows;
The skin on the finger, flaky, feel itchy.
Physicians distinguish three main phases of fungi in the feet, atrophic, normotrophic and hypertrophic. Each of these forms of their symptoms. The disease can flow from one form to another, and in the cases that the fungus looks like.
Normotroficheskie way: just change the hue of the nail, at the same time, its structure is maintained. Occur white spots and stripes, which little by little merge and fill the entire surface of the plate.
Hypertrophic form: in addition to the color changes observed thickening of the nail, its the collapse of, and the stratification, the plate loses the shine.
Atrophic form: the nail is completely destroyed, an area of growth dies, the plate no longer can remain in the nail bed, which can cause random or traumatic loss of the nail.
The treatment of fungal
Affected onychomycosis the nails should be treated. And best of all, it is treatable beginner mushroom, and does not run. It is very important to follow the rules of hygiene and of prevention of the disease.
The doctors believe that the effectiveness of all to be cured in the cold, namely, the fall and winter. Methods of treatment depend on the degree of negligence of the occasion and of the phase of the onychomycosis.
The surgical method applied in the implementation stage. This method involves the total removal of the surface of the nail. But with the development of technology in the field of medicine has been changed from non-invasive laser treatment: the laser beam selectively affects the sick of the nail plate. The mycelium of the fungus destroys critical for him temperature (effect of thermolysis). According to the research, this method is effective in 96-100% of cases (even the more experienced). In addition, this treatment stimulates the healthy growth of the nails and does not damage the tissues. The patient after the procedure does not need reconstructive period, and at the same time is able to reintegrate to life. Laser method can be resorted at any stage of the disease.

The laser intervention there are contraindications: pregnancy, cancer, chronic diseases in stage of decompensation, epilepsy, tendency of the skin to the formation of keloids.
The treatment with medication of medications suggests courses of reception of antifungal capsules and tablets, as well as the use of tools for the local treatment of onychomycosis in the form of ointments, powders, gels, lacquers, etc, At the beginning of the treatment, such as via a laser, and with the help of topical medications of the sick sent to podiatry, what will the hardware of the manicure. This is necessary to make the nail plate is thinner and remove the affected tissues in greater or other fingers.
Doctors advise not to use more of the varnish – this does not improve, but on the contrary, reduces the effectiveness of the fungal treatment. The varnish of each week to clear any of the usual means of nail Polish remover and cover the plate of the new layer.
To enhance the effect of the treatment can be a couple of times a day, for several weeks to make special tubs and fixtures. For example, with the tea tree oil, the ointment of propolis and acetic acid solution. Shoes for the prevention of process special deodorant, which includes one or more components: a succession, the propolis, the oak, the cooking, the greater celandine.
Often, doctors will prescribe a comprehensive treatment of onychomycosis, that is to say, the use of various methods: for example, the ingestion of drugs and the coverage of the nail plate varnish. Do not forget to control the ointment and the varnish of neighbors for the case of the nails, since the fungus is likely to happened and in them, simply has not had time to manifest.
Anti-fungal, local medicines must meet the following criteria:
When you select the ointment or other medication for the treatment of the fungus it needs to pass the exam and get the advice of a doctor.-mycologist.
The prevention of the
It is important to understand that even after an effective treatment of the fungus there is always the risk of becoming infected again. Therefore, it is very important about the personal hygiene and prevention.
Do not forget to make home hardware or pedicure of the podiatry and pass the periodic inspection.
Do not use the tight, non-breathable shoes made of synthetic material. Especially when it is wet and not had time to dry. In general, the proper drying of shoes is very important both in prevention and in the treatment of fungus. The best method is the use of antifungal uv dryer shoes. The dryer not only solves moisture quickly (that is a fruitful environment for fungal infections), but acts directly on fungal organisms, inhibiting their vital activity.
Always bring your own shoes in the swimming pool, steam room and other public places. Don't go out there barefoot. After visiting these places, when you get home, take a shower with antibacterial soap and water.
Wash the feet every day and change your socks or stockings. Use the deodorant means for the footwear, as well as to the skin of the feet.

It is necessary to control your diet. Eliminate or reduce the consumption of these products: sugar, sweets, alcohol, food refined flour. Eat more fresh and sour vegetables (carrots, cabbage, sweet potato, bell pepper, zucchini). Drink the kefir, acidophilus milk, eat cottage cheese, and cheese. The diet should be balanced and contain protein, useful fats, carbohydrates, as well as fiber and trace elements.